Wow, the cakesale is over. What an experience, it has felt just like Christmas...
- starting off with finding out what everyone is doing today,
- do they take part in the (baking) tradition?
- colourful cards (and fliers)
- the event brings out the generous nature of people
- shopping
- then comes all the eve preparations and cooking
- no sleep due to all the excitement
- the next morning gets off to an early start with final preparations taking place
- people share tales of the night-before / laughter and light-heartedness
- there are bright and wonderful packages everywhere
- smiles galore
- unwrapping
- and then its time to indulge in delights!!!!
Well a massive thank you to everyone involved, Norton Park (Megan) for hosting it, all the Council ladies, Caroline from Real Jobs, and Jill for making DELICIOUS donations, Marc for your encouragement, Ian for being the courrier and latte-provider, Jill for stopping by, and everyone who supported it by buying a piece. What a wonderful day, I can not stop smiling, it got everyone involved and provided a great lunch! It also raised £143.36!
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