Shirley's way to fun*raise £2600.00 for Mind the mental health charity!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Finished with the Fundraising

Another moment filled with mixed emotions ... I reached my fundraising target and am enthralled to have done so, though I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and now I am a little sad it is over. But ... the travelling bit is still to come, so I'll be ok.

Diwali dinner ... well it got off to a shakey start with there being no tables and chairs but after a few special touches to the room, eg 200 candles, fairy lights and lots of artwork, it worked out perfectly! Thanks for the encouragement during the day Ann, David and Marc! Sitting on the floor was far more sociable and relaxed. For the last Curry night I payed so much attention to every small detail, this time I wanted to be able to relax and enjoy the evening too, which I did in great company! Thanks to everyone who came along and to my work team (the true 'A Team') for the support and allowing me to combine the evening with our boss's leaving night!

My family and I used to go on month long holidays to South Africa each year. Always on the night before we left we would visit my Gran and my cousins to say good-bye and they would usually give us a few treats to eat during 18hr drive which followed. Last night after doing house-work for Elizabeth, we sat down and wished each other well for the next couple of weeks then she gave me a home-made card with such special words and a bit of spending money! It made me cry with happiness for two reasons. Firstly it was like having a bit home and excitement of a big holiday on the way. Secondly, I have met some incredible individuals through this fundraising and I have been priviledged enough to see the wonderful and generous nature of many people. Thank you SO much!

Brian, my old flatmate, came over for dinner last night and he gave me another travel companion, the book called Long Way Round by Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman. Thanks Bri! ;-)

This morning I did the big shop! Lots of small camping things, a couple pairs of trousers, many many things from Boots and a few travellers cheques. All I need now is malaria tablets and I really don't like the idea of the second thing, a r.., a rid..., a riding helmet. A turban or sombrero would just work so much better!


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