Shirley's way to fun*raise £2600.00 for Mind the mental health charity!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

A grand morning!

Ever since being a child I have always liked the postman ... it's due to watching too many episodes of Postman Pat. Having a large dog in Zim soon made me aware that posties aren't always friendly, especially when they have a snarling/grinning mutt nipping at their heels! Fair enough!
This morning I like the Postman! He delivered two things for me.

First was my paycheque and much to my surprise and delight I've been given £600 backpay for work I've done in the months before ... hmmm =)

Secondly was a package from Mind! It contains my last bit of information from them before the trek ... it's like a secret mission. Enclosed was a list of the other camel trekkers, 9 women including myself and 2 men. The group is a bit smaller than I thought it would be but I expect we will bond more! Lastly in the parcel were some t-shirts!


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